What’s my deal?

Most of the stuff I teach is also available in written form, but one on one lessons tend to be much more efficient when it comes to goal oriented learning. After all there are infinite amounts of good information out there, but the hard thing is to navigate between the pieces of knowledge you need on your journey. I see it as my job to:

  • Help you in evaluating your musical goals
  • Create a plan that outlines the neccessary steps to achieve that goal
  • Teach you musical concepts and how to apply them in actual music
  • Teach you how to practice efficiently and sustainably (both physically and mentally)

I do not teach songs, unless they contain essential musical elements needed for progress. Instead I will teach you how to learn, arrange, transmute, and dissect any song you want to on your own. After all, this site is called dissectingmusic for a reason. So, one could say, my goal is not to get you hooked on my services, rather it is to help you in emancipating yourself musically as fast as possible, making you capable of learning whatever you wan’t by applying your knowledge of music theory.

My motivation to teach

Throughout my life I had a fair number of teachers. From some I learned life lessons, from some others only to loathe my countries education system. One thing that many of the latter had in common, was their lack of knowledge on how to actually teach.

Since I’m very analytical in nature I was always good in learning a great deal by observing and dissecting stuff on my own once it had sparked my interest. I wan’t to give you this independence as well.

One important point to mention is, that I take established musical knowledge very seriously and do not dismiss it at all. We would’nt be anywhere musically if it werent for key figures like Bach. This is why I choose to study musical history in my free time. Also, some people seem to think that technical prowess or knowledge automatically make good teachers. I do not believe that and for this reason I am also reading up on didactics on a regular basis.

Who benefits most?

There are three types of musicians I specialize on:

  • Guitarists that wan’t to take their playing to the next level.
    • If you wan’t the ability to play any chord or arpeggio anywhere on the fretboard and if you want to know ways to do that in a creative and engaging manner, I’ll be happy to help you with that. Let’s discover the guitars anatomy together.
  • Intrumentalists with previous technical knowledge that wan’t to learn improvisation.
    • Musical theory is a universal tool. Once you understand a concept it can be applied to any instrument. So, if you know your scales and chords, I’ll show you how to use them to improvise!
  • Musicians that wan’t to join a band.
    • If you love your craft and feel ready for the stage, there is no reason not to go for it. You’ll be amazed what you can accomplish with a well structured plan. I will coach you on how you can gather the skills you need and become the guy that gets the gig!


I charge 30€ per lesson. The lesson usually takes around one and a half hours depending on your attention span. During or after the lesson I will send you material that accompanies the lesson. You can also write me and ask questions regarding the lessons, if something isn’t clear during practice. I’m happy to help.

As a long term solution I suggest taking a block of 10 lessons for 300€. This has proven itself as the best method for a structured approach. It will make sure that we are both more comitted and can stay on track. With that you’ll get a free eleventh lesson. I’ll keep track of the stuff we covered as well as the remaining number of lessons on your Block we had for you and will send you an invoice.

If you refer a friend to me who ends up taking a lesson you’ll get a free one as well. This offer is limited, depending on the availability of slots.

What do you need to get started?

  • A stable internet connection
  • A videoconferencing program, preferably skype or zoom
  • A webcam & microphone
  • A paypal account
  • Your instrument
  • Pen and Paper to take notes

If you’re interested, please send me an email at: paul.auxerre@hotmail.com so we can start working on your musical future!