Blueprints for musical structures

Good day to you, fellow music enthusiasts. Here is a drawing of the most common harmonic/melodic structures used in music. Most other structures can be derived from these. The dot on the left represents the root and the other dots the remaining intervals. From this, one can derive the distances between the notes, of which a chord or a scale is made up out of. There are no specific notes, as these structures can be used in any key. Just choose a root note and count to fill in the other notes. If the symbols are unclear, please refer to the glossary section.

I wrote “all possible” triads and tetrads. Here I am referring to diatonic structures but it is important to note, that  technically there are a lot more possible ones, but they’d be considered “synthetic” as they are not obtainable by the stacking of thirds. I chose to only include very few exceptionally useful synthetic structures.

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