My name is Paul Auxerre and I love music. Whenever I hear something interesting, I wonder how it can be recreated, what math lies behind it, making it sound as good as it does. This is how I developed an interest for music theory. I am very analytical by nature and always had a bit of a knack for the written word. This is why I decided to share what I’ve learned so far with anybody interested.

My knowledge stems mostly from Jazz. I have been studying Gypsy Jazz on the guitar for many years now and I have found it to be an amazingly rich style, which is full of things to learn that are universally applicable. The past years have also taught me, that it is a good idea to know other instruments. Learning basics of bass, drums, piano and vocals have allowed me, to better understand the roles of the individual instruments in a band situation and the way they interact with each other.

One thing this allowed me to do in recent years, was to join a band as a bassist, learn their extensive repertoire in about 2 and a half months and then proceed in fulfilling this role satisfyingly. It felt good to be able to do that and this also rekindled my belief that if you work both smart and hard, any goal can be achieved. The band has had a really positive impact on my life so far, both musically, profesionally and personally and I am grateful for the opportunity that was given to me. One of my aims is to help people fulfill their ambitions in a similar way.

Furthermore, for a couple of years now, I have been dabbling into classical/film music composition, which provides me with a great deal of pleasure, but also challenge. All of this was to a big extent possible because of music theory.

My aim is to provide you with a set of tools that can be used analytically and creatively. I explain everything from scratch – whenever there are more complex topics, I’ll refer back to the introductory articles or any others that are neccessary for a complete understanding.

I am by no means any kind of prodigy and don’t want to portray me as such. Too me, this simply feels like the best way to contribute something to the music community. Please, see if my content is useful to you and then let this be the judge of my qualification. I also see this as a great opportunity to learn, so if I make any mistakes in my elaborations, or my writing is unclear, I’m always grateful if people point it out.

Thank you for visiting and I hope my blog will prove useful,

May the muse be with you.

Paul Auxerre

Me having a great time with my band