Good day to you, dear visitor. If you’re here to learn some music theory and how to apply it, you came to the right place! This blog is dedicated to providing the best possible step by step explanations for musical concepts and the methodology to integrate them into your playing.

If you’re new here and want to jump straight into music theory matters, you can start with the Introduction to Harmony. In it, I try to give you a solid grasp of functional harmony, which is a good foundation for many other concepts to follow. From there the Introduction to Melody and the guide to arpeggios (up until now only for guitarists) make sense.

The hiatus is over. Well. Almost.

A lot happened in the past months. I joined a wedding band as a bassist, which I have now the pleasure to gig with frequently. I am now earning most of my living from this. It took a while to learn their extensive setlist, but now I have more free time again – Time I want to devote into content creation and teaching. I also ordered a bunch of stuff I’ll need for video shooting and editing since I figured that I need to combine these blog entries with videos to create traffic. Right now I’m revising all the articles and getting ready for the video publications. Things are slowly falling into place. Stay tuned for bi-monthly published articles and videos starting soon.

You might have noticed a bunch of bold written terms. These are either newly introduced important terms or upcoming articles that I’ll tackle as soon as possible. I keep a list on such open ends in order to keep an overview, so they will  be published, eventually.

The bits written in italic arent essential to learn music, but might still be of interest. If you skip them, you’ll still be able to understand all further articles that refer back to the article.

If you have any questions regarding the material, please leave a comment and I’ll try to respond as soon as possible. I am new to this, so if my elaborations are confusing to you or if I made an error, I would welcome any criticism and feedback. This content is meant to enable you to create the music you wan’t to create. I do all my writing in my free time and have to rewrite quite a lot of my material. If you wan’t to help me out, it would mean a lot if you’d share this blog with other people who might find it useful. Also consider taking private lessons, as these are much more efficient and tailored to your needs.

Thank you and may the muse be with you.